The Government is likely to meet a new legal challenge, this time over membership of the European Economic Area. The challenge is something to be welcomed on two points.
Firstly the 2016 Referendum was essentially about sovereignty. A majority of 52% have decided what we knew anyway, that the British Parliament is sovereign, and that no British Parliament can bind its successor. This leaves Parliament free to enter into any number of international agreements, and the EEA is one such agreement to the extent that it does not attenuate sovereignty. EEA membership is therefore a matter for Parliament.
Secondly let’s just waste time with lots of litigation. It gives the Government an excuse to procrastinate, and time is likely to be on our side. While the value of the pound remains artificially depressed, it is European exporters to us who will be struggling. Eventually they will see sense, and it will become easier to negotiate.
What we will have in the long run after Brexit is a 1:1 correspondence between currency zone and political zone. Everybody should find that their zone is much easier to manage. Let’s wish the other zone the best of luck and stop threatening each other. There are any number of things on which we can co-operate, which is always a matter for Parliament.