Because we give you lots of choice in your bookkeeping system: If you don’t like bookkeeping, just leave it all to us. Your bank statements will be processed using advanced technology. We can do your accounts at speed, and since our fees are based upon predicted chargeable hour like any other firm of accountants, you can expect us to be highly affordable. Making Tax Digital? Our market position is that we are The Technological Accountants. Fetch your bank statements to us. We can scan them into our system using optical character recognition even while you wait. Whenever we submit a return under MTD, we always do an independent check. You can use our unique spreadsheet system. We e-mail you a free spreadsheet every three months, and when you send it back you get a replacement. Since your spreadsheet can be read electronically by our main system, you have done some of the work for us and we will give you a discount. You can use our matching paper system. It is identical to the spreadsheet system, so you can use it first to learn bookkeeping, or you can use it in tandem with the spreadsheet system. We support online bookkeeping. We aim to download information electronically for economical accounts preparation. We support all other systems. We have plenty of experience with all types of bookkeeping systems.